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the capital of Czechia

Prague (Praha in Czech, Praga in Latin), capital of Czechia, sometimes called "Golden Prague", "Mother of cities", formerly "Head of Kingdom" ("Praga caput regni") and familiarly by Czechs "Hundred Spires Mom", has been the centre of the Czech state for more than 1100 years. Prague is situated on both banks of the Vltava River in Central Bohemia. The origin of the name "Praha" is usually derived from Slavic word "práh" (means here tides or rocks in the Vltava river).

Towers of Old Town, Prague, Czechia
Old Town
Charles bridge with Old Town tower, Old Water-tower and the church of St.Francis of Assisi, Prague, Czechia
Old Town Hall, Prague, Czechia

St.Nicolas church, St. Franciscus of Assisi church, Old Town tower of Charles Bridge, Clementinum and St.James church tower (behind), the church of Our Lady in front of Týn towers (in the middle), St.Salvator church, Old Town Hall tower and Old Town water-tower (left to right).

Houses of the western part of the Old Town Square with the St. Nicolas church towers behind the roofs and the Old Town Hall (right) with the Astronomical clock (left, detail below).

Astronomical clock, Prague, Czechia
Astronomical clock, Prague, Czechia

Old Town tower of the Charles Bridge, St.Thomas of Assisi church and Old Water-tower (above), the statue of the Emperor Charles IV and St.Franciscus of Assisi church of The Knights of the Cross with the Red Star (left)

At the Golden Well, Old Town, Prague, Czechia

The house "At Golden Well" at the corner of Karlova and Seminářská street of Old Town (right)

Old Town under the snow, Prague, Czechia
Old Town tower of the Charles Bridge, Prague, Czechia
The emperor Charles IV statue and St.Franciscus of Assisi church in Prague, Czechia

Old Town towers (from left to right): St.Nicolas church, Clementinum college and library towers, St.James church and the church of Our Lady in front of Týn behind them, Powder Tower, St.Salvator church, and St.Gall church. Old Town tower of the Charles bridge (picture on the right side of the page)

Old Town lanes, Prague, Czechia2.JPG
Old Town - the church of St.James, church of Our Lady in front of Týn, Old Town Hall tower

Old Town of Prague in the sunset - the church of St.James, the church of Our Lady in front of Týn, Old Town Hall tower and Petřín hill in the background (from right to left)

Building Detail, Old Town, Prague, Czechia
Municipal house and Powder Tower, Prague, Czechia
Pařížská Street in the Old Town, Prague, Czechia
The Municipal House, Prague, Czechia
The National Theatre, Prague, Czechia
Winter view of the streets of Old Town in Prague, Czechia
Old Town Hall at night, Prague, Czechia
The dome with fresques by Alfons Mucha in Municipal House, Prague, Czechia

The Municipal House (left) with fresques of the dome by Alfons Mucha (above) in Art Nouveau style (facade detail right with Powder Tower in the background - right) and Czech National Bank building (left)

The National Theatre with the Charles Bridge at night, Prague, Czechia

The National Theatre from Masaryk embankment (above) and at night from Letná with Charles bridge, Old Town Tower, Old Water Tower and Smetana museum (below)

Western House of Old Town Hall (1360), Prague, Czechia

Old Town Hall at night (above) and the church of Our Lady in front of Týn at Old Town Square (below) with gothic house "At the Stoned Bell" (left part of the image) 

The church of Our Lady in front of Týn at Old Town Square, Prague, Czechia
Rudolfinum concert hall in Prague, Czechia
St.Gilles gothic church
Old Town nooks with renaissance and baroque houses, Prague, Czechia
The rotunda of the Chapel of the Holy Cross in Prague, Czechia
The church of the Holy Spirit, Old Town, Prague, Czechia
The church of St.James the Greater, Old Town, Prague, Czechia
Entrance of The church of The Snowy Virgin Mary in Prague, Czechia
At the Municipal Courtyard
The Clementinum Baroque library, Prague, Czechia
The church of Snowy Holy Virgin Mary in Old Town, Prague, Czechia
Art Nouveau house entrance at Josefov, Old Town, Prague, Czechia

Unique Clementinum Baroque libarary (part of National Library) in the area of the former Jesuit college of the same name (above) and Rudolfinum Concert Hall at Palach's Square (below]

Typical lane of Old Town (above) and Pařížská street from the river (below)

Old Town nooks with renaissance and baroque houses (above) and Western House of Old Town Hall  from 1360 (below)

The church of Snowy Holy Virgin Mary in Old Town (above and left) from the Franciscan garden. The church of the Holy Spirit (below left) and Romanesque rotunda of the Holy Cross (below right)

At the Municipal Courtyard of the Old Town (above) and the church of St.Gilles (below) 

The church of St.James (above), Art Nouveau house entrance (below left) and winter view of Old Town streets (below right) 

Prague castle & Hradčany
Charles bridge and the castle in twilight, Prague, Czechia
Terraced Gardens under Prague Castle and Daliborka tower, Prague, Czechia

The Prague Castle (the largest castle complex in the world) with St.Vitus Cathedral and Lesser Town from the Charles bridge in the sunset (on the left and above). Moonrise over the towers of the cathedral (below left). The Prague castle entrance and 1st courtyard with with the Mathias gate and the presidential guard (below right). 


Prague castle entrance and 1st courtyard, Prague, Czechia
Moonrise behind the towers of St.Vitus cathedral in Prague, Czechia
Sunset over Prague castle from Charles bridge, Czechia
Second courtyard of the castle, Prague, Czechia
St.Vitus cathedral, Prague, Czechia
Western towers of St.Vitus cathedral, Prague, Czechia
St.Vitus, Wenceslas & Adalbert cathedral - the nave and apse, Prague, Czechia
Černínský Palace, Prague, Czechia
Villa Belvedere in gardens of Prague castle, Czechia
Rear part of St.Vitus cathedral, Prague, Czechia
Golden lane in Prague, Czechia
Hradčany Square, Prague, Czechia
Nový Svět, Prague - Hradčany, Czechia.jpg
St. George’s Basilica from the tower of St.Vitus cathedral, Prague, Czechia
Old Castle Stairs in the autumn, Prague, Czechia

The cathedral of St.Vitus, Wenceslas and Adalbert at night (below left), western towers of the cathedral (below right) and second courtyard of Prague castle (right). 


The St. George’s Basilica and the Daliborka Tower from the main tower of the St. Vitus Cathedral (below left), the rear part of the interior (right), and the nave and apse of the cathedral (below right).


Golden Gate of St.Vitus cathedral, Prague, Czechia

The "Golden Gate" of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert with its mosaic from 1368/9 (below)


Gardens of the castle - eastern part, Prague, Czechia
Prague castle with Charles bridge from right bank of Vltava river, Czechia
St.Wenceslas chapel in St.Vitus cathedral, Prague, Czechia
Loreta Monastery, Prague, Czechia
 the castle from Petřín hill, Czechia

St.Wenceslas chapel in St.Vitus cathedral (left), gardens of Prague castle (above right), the Old Castle Stairs in the autumn (left below) and Hradčany Square (below) with the Marian column, the Archbishop Palace (in the middle), the St. Vitus Cathedral and the entrance of the Prague castle from the Lobkowicz Renaissance Palace (renamed to Schwarzenberg Palace in 1719). 


Terraced gardens under Prague Castle and Daliborka tower (left), lanes of Nový Svět district at Hradčany (above), Golden Lane (with alchemists small houses - right) & Villa Belvedere in the castle gardens (below)

Černínský Palace (above left), Loreta monastery and pilgrimage destination in Hradčany (right), a usual post-card view of Prague castle with the Charles Bridge from right bank of Vltava river (below) and the castle from Petřín hill (below right)

Lesser Town & neighborhood
The house "At Painters", Lesser Town, Prague, Czechia

House Signs of Lesser Town - upper row: At Three Violins, At Two Suns, At the Golden Goblet, At the Swan; 

lower row: At the Golden Star, At the Red Lamb, At the Golden Key, At the Red Eagle 

Charles Bridge, Lesser Town and Prague castle in the evening, Prague, Czechia
Lanes of Malá Strana, Prague, Czechia
Gothic Lesser Town Tower of Charles Bridge, Prague, Czechia

From left to right: The Charles Bridge, the Lesser Town and the Prague castle from the Old Town tower in the twilight; typical lane of Lesser Town with small shops and cafées (above), the house "At the Painters" and a part of the church of Our Lady Under The Chain (below); the gate Mostecká of the Lesser Town tower (entrance to lesser Town) and the street with the same name to Malostranské square with the church of St.Nicolas in the background.

At three violins (U tří housliček), Prague, Czechia
At two suns (U dvou slunců), Prague, Czechia
At the golden goblet (U zlaté číše), Prague, Czechia
At the swan (U labutě), Prague, Czechia
At the golden star (U zlaté hvězdy), Lesser Town, Prague, Czechia
At the red lamb (U červeného beránka), Lesser Town, Prague, Czechia
At the key (U klíče), Lesser Town, Prague, Czechia
House signs of Lesser Town  At The Red Eagle,  Prague, Czechia
Lesser and Old Town of Prague, Czechia

St.Nicolas church and lower part of Lesser Town from Seminary garden (above) Lesser Town Tower from the Charles Bridge (below), Nerudova street from Radnické stairs (right) at daybreak

Lesser Town Tower of the Charles bridge, Prague, Czechia
Evening Prague (Radnické stairs & Nerudova street), Prague, Czechia
Tram in winter Lesser Town of Prague, Czechia

The Lesser Town streets in winter (above), roofs around Nerudova street (above right) and Kampa Island of Vltava river in the neighborhood of Lesser Town (below left) with water Mill Čertovka (below)

Petř�ín hill, part of Lesser town, Prague, Czechia

Lesser Town and Petřín hill from Prague castle (above), lower part of the district with St.Thomas, Our Lady Victorious and St.Nicolas churches from Golden Weil hotel terrace (below)

St.Thomas and St.Nicolas church from the terrace of Golden Well hotel, Prague, Czechia
Lesser Town roofs, Prague, Czechia
Kampa island, Prague, Czechia
Kampa island with water mill Čertovka, Prague, Czechia
The church of Our Lady Under the Chain (Maltese Knights), Prague, Czechia
One of narrow lanes to Úvoz from Loretánská street, Prague, Czechia

Typical narrow lanes (from Loretánské square to Úvoz in the picture above) and the athmosphere of the night walk in the Lesser Town streets (below)

Nerudova street, Lesser Town in Prague, Czechia

Lower part of Nerudova street (above), Strahov Monastery complex at twilight (below) and Strahov Monastery Baroque library interior (under the one below)

Strahov monastery, Prague, Czechia
Strahov Monastery Library in Prague, Czechia

The roof of the Church of Our Lady under the Chain (with the star of Maltese Knights), Úvoz street (below) and Petřín observation tower in the autumn (under the one below)

Úvoz - Lesser Town, Prague, Czechia
Night lanes in Lesser Town, Prague, Czechia
Wallenstein Palace and garden, Prague, Czechia
Petřín tower, Prague, Czechia

Wallenstein garden and palace, the seat of the Senate of Czechia (above) and Mostecká street conjoining Charles Bridge and Lesser Town square (below).

Mostecká street, Lesser Town, Prague, Czechia
New Town
Wenceslas Square, Prague, Czechia
The dome of Koruna palace in late Art Nouveau style, Wenceslas square, Prague, Czechia
The statue  of St.Wenceslas and other four main Czech saint patrons - St.Ludmila, St.Adalbert, St.Agnes and St.Procopius, Prague, Czechia
National Museum, Prague, Czechia
Wenceslas Square (Václavské náměstí) from National Museum, Prague, Czechia

Wenceslas Square: National Museum (above & below left), the view from National Museum (below), the statue of St.Wenceslas and other main saint patrons of Czechia - St.Ludmila, St.Adalbert (Vojtěch), St.Agnes & St.Procopius (right). The dome of Koruna Palace (above right).

National Theater, Prague, Czechia
Interior of National Theater, Prague, Czechia
Masaryk embankment in the neighborhood of national Theater with the foot bridge to Žofín island
Hotels Evropa and Central in Art Nouveau style at Wenceslas Square
Main Station bulding in Art Nouveau style

Hotels Evropa and Central in Art Nouveau style at Wenceslas Square (above left), the National Theater neo-renaissance bulding (above) and interior (right). Main Station building in Art Nouveau style (below left) and Masaryk embankment with the footbridge to the Žofín Island (below).

New Town Hall, Prague, Czechia

New Town Hall at Charles Square (left), one of typical passages around Wenceslas Square from 1920s (below) and "Nuselský" bridge with Karlov - the church of the Assumption of Holy Virgin Mary and St.Charles The Great at twilight (left). 

Prague New Town passages
"Nuselský" bridge and Karlov, Prague, Czechia
St.Peter and Paul basilic at historical fort Vyšehrad, Prague, Czechia
Vyšehrad, Prague, Czechia
Prague’s oldest building - Romanesque rotunda of St.Martin at Vyšehrad fortress, Prague, Czechia
In Vyšehrad district, Prague, Czechia

Prague’s oldest building - Romanesque rotunda of St. Martin (right) at Vyšehrad fortress (above), Vyšehrad district (left), the statue of Přemysl and princess Libuše in Vyšehrad park by J.V.Myslebek (below), cathedral od St.Peter & Paul (right below)

The statue of Přemysl and princess Libuše in Vyšehrad park by J.V.Myslebek, Prague, Czechia
Cathedral of St.Peter and Paul at Vyšehrad, Prague, Czechia
Other Prague sites
Functionalistic building of Exhibition Palace from 1920s, Prague, Czechia
Křižík's fountain at Exhibition Grounds, Prague, Czechia
of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord (by Josip Plečnik), Vinohrady, Prague, Czechia

Functionalistic building of National Gallery from 1920s in Holešovice (above left), Křížík's fountain at Exhibition grounds (above right) in Holešovice, the church of the the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord in Vinohrady by Josip Plečnik (below left), new bridge in Troja (below) and the church of St-Ludmila in Vinohrady (below right)

New bridge in Troja, Prague, Czechia
St.Ludmila church in Vinohrady, Prague, Czechia
Old Tram in Prague, Czechia
Troja castle, Prague, Czechia
Art Nouveau interioir of Municipal house by Alfons Mucha, Prague, Czechia
Bílek villa, Prague, Czechia
Hanava pavillon at Letná, Prague, Czechia

Old tram in Prague streets (left), Baroque castle Troja in Prague district of the same name (above), Bílek's villa in special symbolistic style (below left), Hanava pavilion at Letná (below in the centre), Art Nouveau interior of the Municipal House, created by Alfons Mucha (below right)

Prague bridges, Czechia


the capital of Principality of Bohemia, Kingdom of Bohemia, Lands of Bohemian Crown, Czechoslovakia and Czech Republic








all the time capital of CZECHIA

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